How to fill out a 1099 form?
<p>The 1099 form has two copies – A &amp; B. When a business owner hires a freelancer, they must fill in copy A and send it to the IRS. And send copy B to the freelancer. Both the copies should be sent to the IRS before January 31.<br>Employers can submit physically or electronically. If they do it physically, they must also submit the 1096 form. They have to do it on the IRS Filing a Return Electronically (FIRE) system for online submission.<br>Moreover, unless the freelancer is a non-resident or resident alien, the form should include the following information – legal name, residence, the total amount paid in the previous year, and social security number.<br>The contractor should also consent the business owner to receive 1099 by email or paper copy. <br>Deadline<br></p>
Posted on 3/28/23, 12:00:00 AM.000